
Give your child the gift of a second language today. Learning a second language helps in the development of our brains in more ways than just being proficient. Studies have showed students become more intuitive creative-problem solvers. Bilingual students not only speak another language but also learn to see things from different points of view. Learning about other cultures increases empathy. 

At KidSpanish students interact with each other in Spanish. Native instructors guide students in their journey as they model correct usage of the language. Our small group setting promotes an immersion environment conductive of  learning. Students learn the Hispanic culture and are exposed to engaging comprehensible input to maximize long term internalization of vocabulary that they can then use spontaneously on their own. We use engaging games tested to motivate students to participate in the target language. Weekly themes are designed to teach the most frequently used words and phrases. Students will feel empowered and successful with this effective language learning methodology. 



KidSpanish combines six learning styles ( Visual, Aural, Verbal, Physical, Logical, and Social)  into an interactive language and storytelling program designed by linguists for children.

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Research shows the critical period for learning a foreign language is between the ages of 5 and 15.

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